NYC Campaign Finance and Election Law
New York Campaign Finance and Election Law Attorneys
In an era of uncertainty in the political landscape, our clients depend on us to help mitigate risk and provide them with legal guidance in managing their campaigns and advocacy efforts, so that they are in compliance with all campaign finance and ethics laws, including the New York City Campaign Finance Act.  Peters Brovner provides sophisticated legal counsel on campaign finance, government ethics and election issues. Our advice and advocacy for clients includes advice for political campaigns at the state and local levels.
Whether assisting in the creation of new political strategies, integrating a full-service legal and regulatory compliance plan, or representing a client in legal proceedings, we devise effective and tactical solutions that go beyond the immediate issue to help our clients remain well-positioned for success.
How are Campaign Finance and Election Law Related?
Campaign finance law is a subset of election law that deals with the City, State or federal government’s (depending on the election) rules and regulations related to soliciting campaign contributions for a political campaign and the spending of those contributions. The rules vary from state to state and are different still for federal races.
The failure to follow these rules, and to make the required filings to oversight bodies, can result in significant fines to a political campaign and can damage the political candidate. Therefore, when running for public office, in either a general or special election, it is important to consult with an experienced election law attorney at the start of a campaign to make sure that a campaign’s fundraising and finance are run correctly and in accordance with all relevant laws, rules and regulations.
Why Work with a Campaign Finance and Election Law Attorney?
In New York City and State, the various campaign finance and other election laws are complex and unforgiving. Failure to adhere to all of these requirements can lead to significant fines and other penalties — including, in New York City, the loss of public campaign matching funds. Failure to comply with these rules can also create adverse publicity for the candidate.  Therefore, it is important, when first setting up a campaign, to work with experienced election law attorneys, to make sure that all of the laws, rules and regulations are being followed and that a proper election and campaign finance compliance system is in place to protect the campaign going forward.
How a Peters Brovner Attorney Can Help You
The attorneys at Peters Brovner provide clients with legal guidance in complying with the many different laws, rules and regulations relating to campaign finance and other aspects of campaign regulation. The firm helps clients deal with numerous election law issues including:
- Political Action Committee (PAC) establishment
- Managing campaign finance reporting to state and local election officials including the New York City Campaign Finance Board
- Seeking advisory opinions from the City and State agencies
- Defending clients against administrative complaints in enforcement actions
- Representing political committees and campaigns subject to audit or investigation
- Applying for matching funds from the New York City Campaign Finance Board
Campaign Finance
Candidates for City and State Office in New York face a myriad of rules and regulations concerning campaign finances, including, for City races, the New York City Campaign Finance Act. The attorneys at Peters Brovner help our clients navigate the complexities of Campaign Finance Laws. Specifically, the election lawyers at Peters Brovner help with: The establishment of Political Action Committees; managing campaign finance reporting to State and City entities; seeking advisory opinions from State and City regulators; defending clients against complaints filed before election regulators; and, representing political committees and campaigns that are subject to audit or investigation.
Government Ethics
As individuals and businesses become engaged with the political process, they must navigate an increasingly regulated environment where noncompliance means legal liability as well as reputational risk. The laws, rules and regulations around campaign contributions, lobbying, government ethics and elections require legal guidance to make sure that no improper conduct occurs.
Peters Brovner helps private individuals, corporations and non-profit entities navigate New York State and City’s campaign finance and lobbying rules and establish a compliance program going forward. The firm also advises on regulatory compliance matters and represents clients in related regulatory inquiries.
Elections Issues
Candidates funning for office in New York City and New York State face a multitude of issues that they must navigate, including remaining in compliance with laws, rules and regulations concerning:
- The amounts of money political candidates or parties may receive from individuals or organizations and the cumulative amounts that individuals or organizations can donate.
- Eligibility of political contributions
- What sorts of activities constitute in-kind contributions.
- Permissible campaign expenditures & expenditure limitations
- Fundraisers
- Filing Financial Disclosure forms
- Financial Audits
- Applying for public matching funds from the New York City Campaign Finance Board
Contact a New York Campaign Finance & Election Law Attorney Today
The campaign finance and election law attorneys at the law offices of Peters Brovner LLP provide clients with legal guidance in complying with the many different laws, rules and regulations relating to campaign finance and other aspects of campaign regulation. The firm’s attorneys’ broad experience in government and politics provides them insight into representing government officials and candidates managing a plethora of ethics, election, and campaign finance regulations, particularly regulations from New York City’s Campaign Finance Board.
The firm focuses on New York City and State elections which include dealing with the New York Campaign Finance Boards public matching funds campaign finance program. If you or someone you know needs legal advice, please reach out to the lawyers at Peters Brovner LLP for a free consultation.